State Of Wonder

State Of Wonderby Ann PatchettMarina Singh is accustomed to her quiet existence working in a pharmaceutical lab, but when her lab partner, Anders, disappears on a mission to the Amazon, Marina leaves her comfort zone to go and retrieve him. 

In the jungle Marina tracks down her former mentor, Dr. Annick Swenson, and her team of scientists.  She discovers that their research goes far beyond the malaria cure that their funding prescribes.  When she discovers that the team is on the verge of a breakthrough in reproductive technology, she is swept up in the excitement.  At times Marina seems almost subsumed by the magic and mystery of the Amazon. As the plot unfolds it becomes clear that the research taking place is crossing clear ethical boundaries.  The novel questions whether scientific research should be undertaken for its own sake.  Is it enough to expand our scientific horizons?  Or are there lines that should simply not be crossed?

Fast-paced and full of suspense, this book is a fantastic read.  I couldn’t put it down!