

The Richmond Public Library is committed to protecting your privacy. We strive to collect the least amount of personally identifiable information we can and make every reasonable effort to ensure that information about your use of library collections, services and programs remains confidential.

Any personal information collected, used or disclosed by the Richmond Public Library is in accordance with the BC Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act (FIPPA). The Chief Librarian, or designate, serve as the library’s privacy officer under FIPPA.

What personal information do we collect?

Personal information is defined by FIPPA as information about an identifiable person. Some examples of personal information that we collect to provide library services to customers include: name, date of birth, address, phone number, email address, borrowing history.

The following are some examples of purposes for which the Richmond Public Library may collect your personal information:

  • issuing library cards (Library Card Application)
  • identifying, placing and tracking materials on hold, on loan and overdue (cardholder account)
  • providing answers to questions about programs and services (Ask Us Email Form)
  • providing services to homebound residents (Home Services Form)
  • recording purchase suggestions (Purchase Suggestion Form)
  • recording comments (Comments Form)
  • booking study rooms and meeting pods (Study Room Booking Form)
  • library fundraising (Donations Form)
  • general library operations
  • tracking geolocation of in-library use only loanable laptops when removed from the library or reported lost. (Geo-tracking software)

Who has access to your information?

All library customer records are considered confidential. The Richmond Public Library will only use your personal information for the purposes for which it was originally collected or in a manner that is consistent with those purposes.

Your library record may be accessed by library staff when performing work duties and you always have access with your library card or proof of identity.

The library may disclose personal information:

  • when you explicitly consent to the disclosure
  • if the Chief Librarian determines there are compelling health and safety concerns
  • to law enforcement with a valid subpoena, warrant or other order
  • to contact a person’s next of kin if that person is injured, ill or deceased
  • to a contracted library service provider, strictly for the purpose of maintaining digital services

We respect your right to access, correct or request the removal of any information we have about you.

How is personal information kept secure?

The Richmond Public Library uses reasonable security measures to protect against risks such as unauthorized access, collection, use, disclosure or disposal.

Security measures include physical, technological and operational safeguards that are appropriate to the nature and format of the personal information.

Children’s privacy

Children have the same rights as adults with respect to their personal information. The Richmond Public Library does not monitor their use of library services and collections. We encourage parents to take an active role in their children’s internet use as it is their responsibility to educate their children on the importance of not revealing personal information online. A child’s parent or guardian may act for a minor in relation to specific sections of FIPPA if the minor is “incapable” of acting under that section.

Surveillance cameras

Richmond Public Library has security cameras inside and/or outside facilities. Video footage is kept for ninety (90) days. Under FIPPA, images captured by surveillance equipment are considered personal information and are only released to RCMP/Police for law enforcement purposes or compelling health and safety concerns. RCMP/Police requesting video footage must apply in writing, via email, to Chief Librarian or designate.

Library materials and borrowing history

Library staff do not have access to your borrowing history beyond operational requirements. Once you return an item, library staff will no longer have access to view the material that was borrowed on your record without your consent. If you are a user of our Home Services Delivery program, your borrowing history is kept on file, with your permission, in order to assist staff in selecting materials for you to avoid duplication of deliveries.

Public computers, devices and wireless network

The library does not keep a record of your activities on any public computer, device, or on the library’s wireless network. Public computers automatically reset to a fresh, library-configured software image after each session, ensuring that all session data and any personal information stored during use are permanently erased.

Contacting the privacy officer

If you have any questions about this policy or would like to request information, you can contact the library’s privacy officer by email or mail:

Privacy Officer
Richmond Public Library
100 – 7700 Minoru Gate
Richmond, BC V2Y 1C1

If you are not satisfied with how your request was handled by the Richmond Public Library, you have the right to complain to the Information and Privacy Commissioner.

Office of the Information and Privacy Commissioner for British Columbia

PO Box 9038, Stn. Prov. Govt.
Victoria, B.C. V8W 9A4

Tel: 250.387.5629 (Victoria)
Toll free: Call Enquiry B.C. at 604.660.2421 (Vancouver) or 1.800.663.7367 (elsewhere in B.C.) and request a transfer to 250.387.5629.