Richmond Public Library has a wide range of programs and services that offer opportunities for all community members, including people with disabilities, to learn, connect and experience a sense of belonging in Richmond. Through its work with the City and community partners, the Library continues to advance barrier-free access and accessibility of both its digital and physical collections, customer experience and services and employment practices.
The Library is committed to fostering welcoming and supportive spaces that are equitable and inclusive for people of all ages and abilities to enjoy.
Richmond Accessibility Plan 2023-2033
On April 8, 2024, City Council adopted the Richmond Accessibility Plan 2023–2033 (the Plan) to guide the advancement of accessibility in Richmond, in collaboration with the community.
The Plan sets out six strategic pillars and 34 recommended actions to be completed over a 10-year period.
The 2023–2033 Richmond Accessibility Plan can be found here.
The Richmond Accessibility Advisory Committee
The Richmond Accessibility Advisory Committee acts as a resource and provides advice to City Council to support the advancement of accessibility in the city, so people with disabilities are able to participate fully in all aspects of community life. The library is a member representative on this committee. More details about this committee can be found here:
If there is something we can do to improve our accessibility services, please let us know. Feedback can be given in a variety of methods:
In-person: Any staff member will accept feedback from a customer and will follow up with a manager.
In writing: Comment cards are available at all service points and may be given to any staff member.
By telephone: 604 231-6413
By email:
Accessible Collections and Assistive Technology
Library material in different formats and our range of assistive technologies and equipment.
Home Delivery Services
The library offers free home delivery of library materials to residents of the City of Richmond who are unable to come to the library due to a mobility challenge or a visual disability.
A mobility challenge, temporary or permanent, may be due to an illness, injury or disability that prevents you from visiting the library in-person.
Deliveries are made every two weeks, on Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays.
Centre for Equitable Library Access (CELA)
CELA is a national non-profit organization established by Canadian public libraries to serve customers who have a visual, learning or physical disability that prevents them from reading conventional print. Our partnership with CELA allows our customers access to:
Formats including audio, Braille, e-text and described video
A growing collection of more than 230,000 items including books, magazines, newspapers and described videos
For more information on CELA services, see
Other resources available (contact your branch to find out what is available)
Book magnifiers
Large print books
Books on CD
Daisy audiobooks
Daisy Reader
Large Print Keyboard