The Mountain Story

Posted on: March 23, 2018 at 10:28 am, in

The Mountain StoryBy Lori Lansens I love survival stories and Lori Lansens’ The Mountain Story doesn’t disappoint. At 18 years of age, Wolf Truly has faced many challenges in his life.  His mother died when he was very young, and his father, Frankie, is a drinker, a gambler, and not much of a dad.  After […]


Posted on: March 5, 2018 at 11:36 am, in

Beartown By Fredrik Backman Beartown is a small town with big dreams. Fredrik Backman takes us into this small community nestled amongst the trees, with a heavier storyline than his usual lighthearted, humorous fiction; maybe that’s because there’s so much riding on the outcome of this tale. Regardless, I was quickly drawn in and I […]

New Boy

Posted on: February 23, 2018 at 9:46 am, in

New BoyBy Tracy Chevalier The Shakespearian tragedy of Othello is reimagined in Tracy Chevalier’s mesmerizing book, New Boy. When Osei arrives at his new school in Washington D.C. in the 1970s, he is the only black boy on the playground.  This is not a new experience for him.  Osei’s father is a diplomat from Ghana […]

Exit West

Posted on: February 7, 2018 at 6:15 pm, in

Exit West by Moshin Hamid In the futuristic, magical novel Exit West by Moshin Hamid, Saeed and Nadia meet in an evening class in an unidentified country that is under siege and about to explode into war.  Saeed is contemplative and reserved while Nadia is fiercely independent and confident.  As their friendship develops, the fighting […]

The Night Circus

Posted on: October 19, 2017 at 2:53 pm, in

The Night CircusBy Erin Morgenstern Erin Morgenstern’s The Night Circus is a spellbinding fairy tale of a novel.  Jumping back and forth through time, and moving from London to Cairo to Boston to Montreal, The Night Circus makes you feel as though magic is everywhere, if you just know where to look. Hector Bowen makes […]

Station Eleven

Posted on: September 22, 2017 at 1:12 pm, in

Station Eleven By Emily St. John Mandel A famous actor has a heart attack on stage as he performs King Lear; a paramedic-in-training jumps out of the audience to perform CPR; and a 7-year-old actress watches her mentor pass away.  Outside the theatre, snow is falling, and a deadly flu is quickly spreading across the […]

Miss Emily

Posted on: August 25, 2017 at 2:08 pm, in

Miss EmilyBy Nuala O’Connor “Oh, chimerical, perplexing, beautiful words!  I love to use the pretty ones like blades and the ugly ones to console.  I use dark ones to illuminate and bright ones to mourn.  And when I feel as if a tomahawk has scalped me, I know it is poetry then and I leave […]

History of Wolves

Posted on: August 10, 2017 at 12:37 pm, in

History of Wolves History of Wolves by Emily Fridlund Told through the perspective of 14 year old Linda/Madeline, History of Wolves by Emily Fridlund is an incredible first novel filled with emotion, power and depth exploring Linda’s coming of age in a remote community in the northeastern US. Linda lives in a shack on the […]

The Japanese Lover

Posted on: May 12, 2017 at 2:23 pm, in

The Japanese LoverBy Isabel Allende The Japanese Lover is a love story steeped in history, using San Francisco as a backdrop for its measured progression. The book opens with Irina, a care aide at Lark House, a seniors’ home in San Francisco.  Irina’s life begins in poverty in her native Moldova.  As an immigrant to […]

Smoke Gets In Your Eyes and Other Lessons From the Crematory

Posted on: May 10, 2017 at 4:30 pm, in

Smoke Gets In Your EyesBy Caitlin DoughtyIn preparation for Caitlin Doughty’s second book I thought I would re-read her first. This member of the Order of the Good Death is a YouTube favourite of mine. I regularly enjoy her Morbid Minutes and Ask A Mortician series.Doughty writes very much like she speaks, making this an […]