Richmond, BC – Kids, did you read and track your progress with this year’s BC Summer Reading Club? With September just around the corner, Summer Reading Club is coming to an end and it’s time to recognize all of the successes and hard work of over 3,700 Richmond children who participated.
You don’t have to wait to come and get your medal; Summer Reading Club participants can now stop by any RPL branch to pick up their medal. But that’s not all! Get ready to celebrate with us at our Summer Reading Finale on Sunday September 11 from 1:30pm to 3:30pm at the Brighouse branch. Join the Mayor and local dignitaries at this fun-filled for family-friendly event, which will feature an interactive dance party, a scavenger hunt and the RBC Training Ground, presented by our sponsor Richmond North RBC Community. Children can also receive their medals at the event if they have not already picked them up.
“BC Summer Reading Club is such a big part of the summer for so many Richmond kids, teens and their families, and we are thrilled to invite the community to come together at the annual Finale,” says Kate Adams, Head of Children & Family Services. For more information or to register, visit We hope to see you there!