Richmond Library Introduces Chinese ebooks

Richmond Public Library recently launched its newest collection – Chinese ebooks. These ebooks are readable on Apple, Android and Windows devices using the OverDrive Media Console App. At the present time the collection contains just over 600 titles. The ebooks are mostly in simplified Chinese, with some titles available in traditional Chinese.Richmond Library`s ebook service is available to all Richmond residents who have a library card. You can have 10 ebooks checked out at any one time, but there is no limit to the total number you can borrow each month. You can also place 10 holds at any one time.“We`re adding new titles every week, for all ages and interests,” said Coordinator, eServices, Kat Lucas, “the library will be buying new and popular materials as well as some classical literature.” Subjects include: general fiction, romance, historical fiction, mystery, short stories, biography, business, classics, travel, humour, and more.Since ebooks automatically expire when their loan period is up, you never get late fines. And no internet connection is required to read library ebooks – once you’ve downloaded them you can take them wherever you go!