Richmond, BC – You are invited to join the conversation at Richmond Public Library’s inaugural Human Library®, which takes place on Sunday April 23 from 1:00pm to 4:00pm at the Brighouse library.
The first Human Library® event was held in Denmark in 2000, and has expanded across the globe. It has established itself as a global learning platform with an initiative to create safe spaces for dialogue between human Books and their human readers. The natural conversations that take place between Books and readers can not only help challenge prejudices and stereotypes but also contribute more broadly to unjudge someone and create greater cohesion across social, ethnic, and religious divisions.
During a Human Library® event, readers will see a variety of available Book titles and will be able to select one to “borrow” for a 20-minute reading slot. Readers and Books will then have a one-on-one conversation where Books will introduce themselves and readers will have the opportunity to ask questions.
Each city’s event is different as the Books are all local volunteers, interested in connecting with their community and sharing their story with others. Following Human Library® protocol, our shelf of incredible human Books will only be revealed on the day of the event. Community members can look forward to meeting local Richmond residents who are committed to sharing their personal stories of overcoming hardship.
One of the anticipated Book titles, who previously participated in another organization’s Human Library®, shared his thoughts about being part of RPL’s event. “I am excited to be able to do this again. To be able to share my story with others, knowing that I am not alone and to encourage others who are experiencing similar situations or struggles, allowed me to feel empowered and that I am a part of something greater.”
This is a drop-in event, and participants will be invited to borrow Books on a first-come, first served basis throughout the event until “last call” at 3:30pm. This event is most appropriate for a teen, adult, or senior audience. Learn more at