Steam Kits

Steam Kits

Steam Kits

STEAM Kits are a fun, hands-on way for school-aged children to learn new things and expand their skills. Each of the 15 STEAM kits are unique and explore different aspects of STEAM learning.

STEAM learning uses Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, and Mathematics to build problem-solving skills, and improve creative and critical thinking.

Each STEAM Kit contains:

  • 2 books
  • 1 game or gadget
  • Activity package
  • Feedback survey

Customers can borrow one kit at a time for three weeks (21 days). No renewals. Customer must be or be accompanied by someone 13 years or older during check out.

Place a hold or take one home today!


Human Body

Ozobot Evo Robot
MaKey MaKey circuits
Artie 3000 The Coding Robot

BRIO Smart Engine Set
Snap Circuits
KEVA Contraptions
Lego Challenge

Flip Book Animation

Academic Help
Problem Solving
Logic Puzzles